Beanie Babies maker Ty has launched two new dolls Sweet Sasha and Marvelous Malia.
Sound familiar?
It should, given that Sasha, 7, and Malia, 10, are our nation's new first daughters and they are both, well, sweet and marvelous.
"They're such adorable girls. How can we resist?" These are Beautiful African American children . African American Women (Black Women) come in thousands Exotic Skin Tones, and Exotic Features these dolls look like little African American Girls born from an African American Mother ( Black Mother) Black Women can create all types of Exotic Skin Tones they don't have to go out side there race to have an Exotic Looking Child. Black Women have the Dominant Gene that's the gene that can produce all skin tones.
Sound familiar?
It should, given that Sasha, 7, and Malia, 10, are our nation's new first daughters and they are both, well, sweet and marvelous.
"They're such adorable girls. How can we resist?" These are Beautiful African American children . African American Women (Black Women) come in thousands Exotic Skin Tones, and Exotic Features these dolls look like little African American Girls born from an African American Mother ( Black Mother) Black Women can create all types of Exotic Skin Tones they don't have to go out side there race to have an Exotic Looking Child. Black Women have the Dominant Gene that's the gene that can produce all skin tones.
Black Women are the only Women in the world with the Dominant Gene now that's POWER!